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Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth
Prince Hal (King Henry V) x Eric the Huntsman
James Nicholls x Eric the Huntsman
Thor Odinson x Loki Laufeyson
Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth (with India Rose Hemsworth)
Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth x Elsa Pataky
Thorin Oakenshield x Bilbo Baggins
Fìli x Kìli
Richard Armitage x Martin Freeman
Aidan Turner x Dean O'Gorman
Tom Hiddleston x Richard Armitage
Prince Hal (King Henry V) x Sir Guy of Gisborne
Lucian Graymark (Luke Garroway) x Valentine Morgenstern
Eric the Huntsman x Thorin Oakenshield


Tom Hiddleston & India Rose Hemsworth
SPECIAL!Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth

Hiddlesworth | Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth (<-Old New->)
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Halric | Prince Hal (King Henry V) x Eric the Huntsman (<-Old New->)
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Ericholls | James Nicholls x Eric the Huntsman (<-Old New->)
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Thorki | Thor Odinson x Loki Laufeyson (<-Old New->)
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Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth (with India Rose Hemsworth) (<-Old New->)
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Paddlesworth | Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth x Elsa Pataky (<-Old New->)
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Begginshield | Thorin Oakenshield x Bilbo Baggins (<-Old New->)
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Durincest | Fìli x Kìli (<-Old New->)
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Freetage | Richard Armitage x Martin Freeman (<-Old New->)
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Aidean | Aidan Turner x Dean O'Gorman (<-Old New->)
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Armison | Tom Hiddleston x Richard Armitage (<-Old New->)
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Halguy | Prince Hal (King Henry V) x Sir Guy of Gisborne (<-Old New->)
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Lukentine | Lucian Graymark (Luke Garroway) x Valentine Morgenstern (<-Old New->)
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Huntshield | Eric the Huntsman x Thorin Oakenshield (<-Old New->)
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SPECIAL | Tom Hiddleston & India Rose Hemsworth (<-Old New->)
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SPECIAL HIDDLESWORTH | Tom Hiddleston x Chris Hemsworth (<-Old New->)
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